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Summit County is proud to announce the launch of One Degree, a free online, searchable database with information on the community’s nonprofit services.

From housing assistance to child care and everything in between, visit our website to connect to over 700 Summit County programs and opportunities.

one degree

El Condado de Summit se siente orgulloso de anunciar el lanzamiento de One Degree, una ba se de datos gratis online, para buscar información sobre servicios sin ánimo de lucro en la comunidad.

Desde asistencia para el hogar a cuidados para ninos y todo lo demas, visite nuestro sitio web para conectarse con mas de 700 programas y oportunidades del Condado de Summit.


Need help getting to an appointment? Our staff can assist those with disabilities in arranging transportation.

 “This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).”

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